(A3) Gunslinger Mark IV-8 Laser Target (Target Only-Gunslinger Timer Required)



Gunslinger Mark IV-8 Laser Target (8″)   $469.00 + s/h (Ships UPS)

This is the model we used to perfect our Mark-IV Laser Target! (A Gunslinger Timer and other accessories are Required for the Mark IV-8 Laser Target)(Includes Y-2 Splitter & 2′ Blue Cat 5 Cable, for Practice Mode Training).  We have adapted the Universal Mode to work with our new Low-Cost Gunslinger Emporium CFDA Lasers, so that it will only record a time on the initial pulse, letting you know that you are actually hitting a target.  While having the benefit of tracking your follow through with a continuous laser beam.  Optional Adjustable Laser Target Stand are sold separately.

Note: The unit is designed to run in Practice Mode.  If you wish to run the unit in Contest Mode, where a Timer Operator runs the unit from behind the shooter, it can be accomplished by either using a 30′ Red Cat 5 with a Cat 5 Connector extend the Controller Button behind the Firing Line. Or, another option is to place the Timer behind the Firing Line and run a 25′ Blue Cat 5 from the Timer to the Laser Target, much like normal shooting ranges are set up.

All these Items can be ordered in the Timer Accessory Section of the Gunslinger Emporium.



Overall Dimensions
10.5″ x 10.5″ x 3.5″ wood-framed housing, which makes it very adaptable to various mounting methods.  Weight: 3.5 lbs.

8″ round target area on the front of the box is a white translucent lens, that is designed to simulate a CFDA Target with grease.

Works with any Red Laser, however it is specifically designed to operate with the CFDA Gunslinger 3,000 Lumen CFDA-45 Laser Cartridge, only available through CFDA.

Relative Distance (Proportional)
Since the Laser Target it 8″, it is equivalent to 1/3 the size of a 24″ CFDA Target.  Therefore, it should be placed at 1/3 the distance of 21′, which is 7′, thus keeping it proportional.

Relative Height (Proportional)
The average shooter fires their six-gun at 40″ above the ground, whereas, the 24″ CFDA Target is set to center 50″ above the ground.  Therefore, the Laser Target should be set at 1/3 the amount of bullet rise, which in this case is 43-3/8″.  Each shooter can also calculate their own personal bullet rise and set the Laser Target to individual specifications.

Controls & Operation
The control panel is now located on the back panel of the wood-framed housing.  The shooter simply connects the Blue Cat 5 Cable from the Gunslinger Timer to the Control Panel Port.  This Laser Target requires and additional lead coming from the power supply.  It completely replaces the normal CFDA Target LED Light and Sensor.  There is an LED Start Signal that appears through the lens in the center of Laser Target, that has both a normal and brighter setting.

New- Mark IV Control Panel (Same for either Mark IV-8 (8″ Version) or Mark IV-17 (17-3/16″ Version):

Reaction, 15′, or 21′ Settings  “Reaction”, is for pure time, which records the time at the speed of light, used for some reaction training techniques.  “15′ “, automatically does the math and adds .022 seconds, which is the average wax bullet travel time for a target placed 15′ away, this is normally the factory setting.  “21′ “, automatically does the math and adds .030, for those who wish to know what their time would be at 21′.

Sensitivity Knob
Mark IV Laser Targets operate in various lighting conditions, EVEN OUTDOORS (As long as it is not directly facing the sun).  However, there can be some indoor lighting conditions such as very bright LED lights in the close vicinity of the target.  Once power is connected to both the Gunslinger Timer and the Mark IV Laser Target, using the provided small screw driver, turn the Sensitivity Knob (clockwise) until the Red Light illuminates.  Then, turn the Sensitivity Knob, slowly (counter-clockwise) until the Red Light goes off.  If the unit is recording premature hits, then turn the Sensitivity Knob slightly (counter-clockwise).  If the problem persists, you made need to make changes to either lighting conditions or locate the Mark IV in a different location.  You might also try turning down the Gunslinger Timer Sensitivity.

Gunslinger Timer
Just operate the timer normally in either contest or practice mode according to the Gunslinger Timer Manual.  Make sure the Sensitivity Knob on the timer is turned all the way (clock-wise).

Gunslinger Mark IV-8 Laser Target (8")   $469.00 + s/h (Ships UPS)

This is the model we used to perfect our Mark-IV Laser Target! (A Gunslinger Timer and other accessories are Required for the Mark IV-8 Laser Target)(Includes Y-2 Splitter & 2' Blue Cat 5 Cable, for Practice Mode Training).  We have adapted the Universal Mode to work with our new Low-Cost Gunslinger Emporium CFDA Lasers, so that it will only record a time on the initial pulse, letting you know that you are actually hitting a target.  While having the benefit of tracking your follow through with a continuous laser beam.  Optional Adjustable Laser Target Stand are sold separately.

Note: The unit is designed to run in Practice Mode.  If you wish to run the unit in Contest Mode, where a Timer Operator runs the unit from behind the shooter, it can be accomplished by either using a 30' Red Cat 5 with a Cat 5 Connector extend the Controller Button behind the Firing Line. Or, another option is to place the Timer behind the Firing Line and run a 25' Blue Cat 5 from the Timer to the Laser Target, much like normal shooting ranges are set up.

All these Items can be ordered in the Timer Accessory Section of the Gunslinger Emporium.



Overall Dimensions
10.5" x 10.5" x 3.5" wood-framed housing, which makes it very adaptable to various mounting methods.  Weight: 3.5 lbs.

8" round target area on the front of the box is a white translucent lens, that is designed to simulate a CFDA Target with grease.

Works with any Red Laser, however it is specifically designed to operate with the CFDA Gunslinger 3,000 Lumen CFDA-45 Laser Cartridge, only available through CFDA.

Relative Distance (Proportional)
Since the Laser Target it 8", it is equivalent to 1/3 the size of a 24" CFDA Target.  Therefore, it should be placed at 1/3 the distance of 21', which is 7', thus keeping it proportional.

Relative Height (Proportional)
The average shooter fires their six-gun at 40" above the ground, whereas, the 24" CFDA Target is set to center 50" above the ground.  Therefore, the Laser Target should be set at 1/3 the amount of bullet rise, which in this case is 43-3/8".  Each shooter can also calculate their own personal bullet rise and set the Laser Target to individual specifications.

Controls & Operation
The control panel is now located on the back panel of the wood-framed housing.  The shooter simply connects the Blue Cat 5 Cable from the Gunslinger Timer to the Control Panel Port.  This Laser Target requires and additional lead coming from the power supply.  It completely replaces the normal CFDA Target LED Light and Sensor.  There is an LED Start Signal that appears through the lens in the center of Laser Target, that has both a normal and brighter setting.

New- Mark IV Control Panel (Same for either Mark IV-8 (8" Version) or Mark IV-17 (17-3/16" Version):

Reaction, 15', or 21' Settings  "Reaction", is for pure time, which records the time at the speed of light, used for some reaction training techniques.  "15' ", automatically does the math and adds .022 seconds, which is the average wax bullet travel time for a target placed 15' away, this is normally the factory setting.  "21' ", automatically does the math and adds .030, for those who wish to know what their time would be at 21'.

Sensitivity Knob
Mark IV Laser Targets operate in various lighting conditions, EVEN OUTDOORS (As long as it is not directly facing the sun).  However, there can be some indoor lighting conditions such as very bright LED lights in the close vicinity of the target.  Once power is connected to both the Gunslinger Timer and the Mark IV Laser Target, using the provided small screw driver, turn the Sensitivity Knob (clockwise) until the Red Light illuminates.  Then, turn the Sensitivity Knob, slowly (counter-clockwise) until the Red Light goes off.  If the unit is recording premature hits, then turn the Sensitivity Knob slightly (counter-clockwise).  If the problem persists, you made need to make changes to either lighting conditions or locate the Mark IV in a different location.  You might also try turning down the Gunslinger Timer Sensitivity.

Gunslinger Timer
Just operate the timer normally in either contest or practice mode according to the Gunslinger Timer Manual.  Make sure the Sensitivity Knob on the timer is turned all the way (clock-wise).

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs


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